When your family is sick, you want all the information you can get. And we know getting to the doctor isn’t always easy. That’s why we created Tyto, a handheld kit and app that lets you perform a guided medical exam, with a doctor, anytime, anywhere.
Enables clinicians to hear and assess heart sounds
Heart Rate
Accurately measures heart rate
Lung Exam
Enables clinicians to hear and assess lung sounds
Ear Exam
Capture high resolution digital images of the canal and tympanic membrane to help clinicians diagnose ear infections
Skin Exam
Capture high resolution digital images of rashes and other skin lesions to inform dermatology diagnoses
Mouth & Throat Exam
Tongue depressor attachment helps capture high resolution digital images to help clinicians diagnose infections
Get an accurate temperature read with our no-touch infrared basal thermometer
Abdominal Exam
Captures stomach and bowel sounds to help diagnose gastrointestinal issues
Includes the TytoHome device with otoscope, stethoscope and tongue depressor
Enables your doctor to examine your ears, heart, lungs, throat, skin and body temperature from home
Includes the TytoApp™, available to download on your smartphone or tablet, for conducting video consults with your doctor and sharing exam data
Built-in guidance technology ensures accuracy and ease of use
CertaintyTyto goes beyond a phone or video chat with a doctor by providing an on-demand, clinic-quality medical exam, right from your home, so you can know with certainty what to do next.
Peace of Mind Debates about whether to rush to the emergency room are over. With Tyto, you’ll know immediately if action needs to be taken or if you can go back to sleep.
ConvenienceSee your doctor from the comfort of home without having to wait for an appointment or travel to the office.
SecurityTyto uses a HIPAA-secure platform that only you and your doctor can access, so you can be certain your information is safe and secure.